Deva Thermal power plant (TTP) is located in the South-Eastern part of Transilvania region on the Mures river at a distance of 7 km from Deva town. The plant has an installed power of 1285 MW in five condensation units each of 210 MW plus one unit of 235 MW supplied by steam boilers of 660 t/h 13,72 MPa, 550°C. Each unit is independent.
The main fuel used is pit coal from Valea Jiului basins hawing low heating value of 15392 kJ/kg The coal is transported on railways. The auxiliary fuels used. for start-up and flame stability are natural gases and fuel oil. The electric power is delivered in the national system via interconnection substation located in Mintia of 110kV, 220kV and 400kV voltages. The plant was commissioned in three stages 1969-1971 4x210MW, 1977 unit 5(210MW), 1980 unit 6 (210MW).
Mintia Power Plant has an important role in the national power system, fulfilling several major tasks:
ContactSOCIETATEA COMPLEXUL ENERGETIC HUNEDOARA S.A. www.cenhd.ro Sucursala Electrocentrale Deva Santierului Street. No . 1 337532 - Mintia, Jud. HUNEDOARA Tel.:0254.236407 0254.236408 Fax: 0254.236404 0254.236405 0254.236550 E-mail: sedeva.mintia@termodeva.ro Company data: VAT ID. RO 30855230 Reg.ID. J20/994/2012 Bank: C.E.C. BANK - Deva IBAN: RO53 CECE HD01 30 RON 057 4338 |