S.C. Electrocentrale DEVA S.A. is a company that focuses on continuously increasing customer satisfaction whilst mitigating the impact of the company’s activities on the environment. By maintaining the quality of the electricity and thermal energy generated by S.C. Electrocentrale Deva S.A. we aim at showing our customers that our company is concerned about the continuous improvement of the performance of its technical processes and about meeting the demands and expectations of ...(read more)
ContactSOCIETATEA COMPLEXUL ENERGETIC HUNEDOARA S.A. www.cenhd.ro Sucursala Electrocentrale Deva Strada Santierului Nr . 1 337532 - Mintia, Jud. HUNEDOARA Tel.:0254.236407 0254.236408 Fax: 0254.236404 0254.236405 0254.236550 E-mail: sedeva.mintia@termodeva.ro Date de identificare: CIF. RO 30855230 Nr. Reg. Com. J20/994/2012 Banca: C.E.C. BANK - Deva Cont: RO53 CECE HD01 30 RON 057 4338 |